How to Make the Most of your Data

Introduction Making your way in the modern market is really a difficult challenge. With the advent of globalization, it has become quite hard to get noticed. What every company should do is make the most of every resource and keep up with the surrounding environment. In this article we will talk about the importance of […]
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Technical Debt in Machine Learning: Measure it and Pay it Off!

Introduction Recently, Machine Learning and Deep Learning became the ideal solution to several problems. Just think about self-driving cars, face recognition, virtual assistants, shopping forecast and even anti-crime applications. The reason for this success lies in the fact that you can obtain high performances, with a fast and cheap developing and deploying system. But is […]
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The Real Cost of Business Intelligence: License and Out-of-Pocket Expenses

Very often the license cost of a BI tool is confused with the cost of the entire business intelligence process. We all know companies face major expenses in order to upgrade to the expected data-driven decision-making process. Unfortunately, though, the truth is that the license alone is not enough. To transition to a complete system that uses […]
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Advance your Business Intelligence to the Unthinkable with Machine Learning

Introduction Business intelligence is in itself a very powerful tool that helps and guides companies in the decision-making process. In fact, thanks to Business Intelligence, you can automize a number of tasks; you can analyze all historical data and view it through infographics to easily obtain an intuitive photograph of your company. However, this tool […]
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How To Best Visualize And Organize Your Data

Introduction To better understand the results of a business intelligence analysis, data has to be presented in the most effective way. Users must be able to identify the key information at first glance which makes your data visualization and organization crucial. Improving your data visualization and organization, not only simplifies the search of information, but […]
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Why Business Intelligence Would Improve your Business

Introduction Every day companies must make decisions that can result in a success or a failure, so the best thing is to make smart decisions! To do this, you have to base your plans on evidences, on useful information and on real trends; of course, this involves having a large amount of data… do you […]
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